Life protection is about making sure your dependents have the money they need in case you’re no longer around. This means that if you pass away within our agreed coverage timeframe (the policy ‘term’), we’ll pay a cash lump sum to the person you choose (your ‘beneficiary').
You get to choose how much cover, the type of cover, and who will benefit, should you pass on.
We offer a range of protection plans so you can find the exact one that’s right for you.
Different payment options give you the freedom to pay your premium your way.
Your dependents' living expenses may increase after you die or due to an unexpected event such as an accident.
Deaths caused by non-communicable diseases were 7 million cases and 131 thousand cases came from traffic accident, Badan Pusat Statistik.
1 in 3 deaths from non-communicable diseases in the world each year are caused by heart disease, WHO.
From the data above, we know the importance of the benefits of having life insurance to protect the financial plans of the family we leave behind.
Life insurance is a family financial protection that provides life benefits in the form of insurance money for the family left behind by the insured due to death.
Life insurance can protect assets and minimize future financial risks when you leave them, such as guaranteeing your child's future education costs.
Life insurance provides financial benefits upon death, while health insurance provides protection against medical expenses during illness.
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